Avana Plastic Surgery welcomes its current and prospective patients to an informative session led by Dr. Algird Mameniskis, a board-certified plastic surgeon and Ivy League graduate. This discussion focuses on thigh lift including tight liposuction and covers all aspects of the procedure. Dr. Mameniskis is committed to answering questions and providing expert insights to guide patients through their journey.
Thigh Lift Questions Answered by an Expert
Moderator: Can you briefly overview what a thigh lift procedure involves and the specific concerns it addresses?
Doctor: A thigh lift is a procedure that deals with loosening or laxity of thigh skin, usually from aging or large weight changes. It addresses the looseness of the skin, improves the contour, makes the thigh skin tighter, and improves other things.
Moderator: Who are the ideal candidates for a thigh lift, and what signs or conditions make someone well suited for this procedure?
Doctor: Ideal candidates are patients close to their ideal weight. They will certainly get the best results with that, whose overall skin quality is not too bad. If the skin quality or elasticity is very poor in the tissue, sometimes, after the thigh lift, the skin can loosen again. I think those are 2 of the most important considerations.
Moderator: Is there a certain BMI?
Doctor: I would say less than 35.
Moderator: Are there different techniques for thigh lifts, and how do you determine which technique is most suitable for a patient?
Doctor: Yes. There are. There are two broad categories. The first category is called the medial thigh lift, which is the procedure that I prefer to do the most or most frequently because the incision is really hidden. It’s way up in the groin crease, from the front to the back under the buttock crease.
It’s really not seen. But that’s mostly for patients who have loosening of the upper part of the thigh skin that hangs down a little bit, but the lower thigh skin is okay.
The procedure removes the loose upper thigh skin and hides the incision well. It can be combined with Liposuction or J plasma for the lower thigh.
The other category is more like a reconstructive procedure. It’s geared toward patients who have had large weight losses or body changes to the point where the entire thigh skin is loosened, sagged, and excessive. That procedure involves making the medial thigh lift decision but then going all the way down the leg to remove excess skin.
That’s really designed for patients with a large amount of skin laxity, sort of like a reconstructive procedure. It does leave a scar, but the patient feels a lot better, and it helps them get around functionally.
Moderator: What can patients expect during the recovery period after a thigh lift, and are there specific post-op instructions they should follow?
Doctor: The two most important things after the thigh lift are to really rest and avoid any real stretching of the scar area or the incisional area because this procedure fights gravity. It doesn’t pull things down; it pulls things up. So, anytime we fight against gravity, we only have to be careful about putting too much pressure on the incision.
The other is just keeping it clean. It’s in a position where it will increase a lot of body secretions, urine, and such, which can cause the incision to open. So those are the 2 most important things.
Moderator: In your experience, do patients often combine a thigh lift with other cosmetic procedures? And if so, what common combinations are there?
Doctor: That’s one procedure I usually do by itself. Because the recovery is very specific and like I said, either procedure is working against gravity, so the patients have to be just laying low. When they move, they need to move very carefully.
If you do something to the upper body and arms, it will affect their ability to position themselves well and adversely affect the situation.
Moderator: What concerns or conditions can this procedure effectively address?
Doctor: I think mostly the patient’s weight loss, aging also, in certain maybe down this area of the country, sun damage too of the skin, sun damage, some laxity from that. So that’s another area that could happen sometimes.
Moderator: Can also address stretch marks?
Doctor: It can. The stretch marks are high up in the inner thigh. Yes.
Moderator: How long do the results of Liposuction typically last, and what factors contribute to their longevity?
Doctor: Well, Liposuction is a great procedure. It’s used in patients who have good skin tone and good elasticity, so their skin will tighten afterward. And I do it frequently.
Typically, Liposuction should be permanent. Once again, it can be affected by weight fluctuation and just aging and time with skin changes, but the fat cells don’t themselves grow back.
Moderator: We currently have several promotions here at Avana Plastic Surgery. If you're interested in a Thigh Lift, Thigh Liposuction, or any other procedure, Dr. Mameniskis will be happy to assist you and provide personalized care for your needs.