Through the years, many patients have faced age-related skin problems. Sadly, one of the most factors to aging in Miami is sun exposure. Also, stress can be another factor that contributes to aging, but we all know that this is natural and inevitable. Of course, many women feel uncomfortable with these changes in facial features because it can be hard to assimilate them.
These procedures, such as Miami Facelift, can correct this issue and transform your appearance, making you feel as young as you feel inside on the outside, restoring your natural self.
In this article, you will find more about this procedure, candidates for a facelift procedure, how to get ready for it, procedure steps, recovery, costs, and more. Keep reading for more information that will change your life.
What is a Facelift?
A Miami facelift is a surgical procedure that removes excess facial skin so that your face will appear younger. It's common for the face to lose fat and muscle tone over time. In other cases, older women or women that experienced significant weight loss may need additional procedures such as a neck lift, eyelid surgery, brow lift, forehead lift, and liposuction.
The facelift surgery is done by involving an incision around the ear and under the chin. Excess skin is removed, and the remaining skin tightened, which outlines the jaw clearer and the muscles and skin of the neck made tighter. A young version of yourself will be ready to shine.
Many patients say they feel insecure and sometimes avoid social situations because their face has changed, and they no longer recognize themselves in the mirror. It doesn't have to be that way.
You can take a step and get a Facelift, and you will return to a more rejuvenated you, feel confident with yourself, and go to social events without any problems because aging won't bother you again. We can also help you address the early signs of aging.
Candidates for a Facelift Procedure
The best candidates for Facelift have real expectative and follow the advice of the plastic surgeon. There's no optimal age for facelift surgery. The most important factors, even more than age, are the condition and texture of the skin. The best candidates for a facelift procedure share certain essential traits.
Some factors that can affect whether or not a person is the right candidate for a facelift procedure are:
- The skin of an optimal candidate for Facelift conserves part of its elasticity. This is important because this surgery stretches the skin of the face to eliminate facial lines and wrinkles.
- Strong bone structure: an optimal candidate for Facelift will have a well-defined underlying bone structure that will provide support and contribute to satisfactory results. Patients who have delicate features can benefit from the use of facial implants as an alternative or as part of a facelift.
- Realistic expectations: an optimal candidate for Facelift will understand not only what stretching can achieve but also the limitations of facial surgery. A qualified plastic surgeon can help you get the information you need to make the right decision about facelift surgery.
- Good overall health: an optimal candidate for Facelift will generally be in good health. A facelift procedure is an invasive surgical procedure that requires significant healing and recovery, so the patient needs to be physically and mentally ready for the operation.
- An optimal candidate for Facelift often wants to eliminate the excess of skin on the face and neck, tighten the skin and eliminate wrinkles at the same time. The surgeon cuts loose skin during the procedure.
Miami Facelift
Before & After Pictures
EXPLORE PHOTO GALLERYGetting Ready for Facelift
First, you need to schedule a preoperative visit with our surgeon at Avana Plastic Surgery in Miami to talk about the essential things you need to know before your surgery. You should also ask any questions you have about recovery, risks, and facelift surgery costs. Remember that it's natural to feel nervous; our surgeon will also advise you on how you can remain calm.
Other things you may need are lab work, a blood test, and so on, to determinate if you're healthy enough to undergo a Miami facelift. In any case, you don't have to worry. We will provide you a packet with information about what to do before surgery, including medications to take and to avoid. If you smoke, you must stop at least two weeks before surgery.
Some practical tips include:
- Have your house cleaned before surgery.
- Plug in a nightlight to find your way to the bathroom.
- Stock up on food or prepare frozen meals that you can warm up during recovery.
- Set up your bed with lots of pillows to help you elevate your head.
- If you have children and pets, arrange for childcare or pet care.
- Buy all medications and dressing ahead of time, including antibiotics, antibacterial soap, and ice packs to reduce swelling.
- Label a container with all medications and the times to be taken.
- Keep some essential things such as bottled water, snacks, medications, remote controls, and phone fully charged next to your bed.
- Wash your hair the night before surgery and remove fingernail and toenail polish.
Schedule A Free Consultation Today
Miami Facelift Surgery
We can help you become more confident in the way you look and stands out your beautiful inner self. A customized plan that meets your precise needs and beauty goals will be created during your initial consultation at Miami facelift surgery.

Based on your cosmetic goals, risks involved, and recovery preferences, there are different facelifts you can choose. These procedures vary based on the type of incision, layers treated, and the area targeted.
- The traditional facelift surgery tightens facial muscles and removes excess fat in the face and neck through incisions around the ears, hairline, and beneath the chin. This type of facelift is the most popular and delivers the most striking transformation.
- There are three facelift incision choices: a conventional facelift incision, a limited incision, and a neck lift. With a traditional Miami facelift, the incision is made along the hairline. Fat in the face, jaw, and neck is sculpted, and tissue relocated. Excess skin is removed, and in some instances, another facelift incision to improve the neck may be needed. The limited incision uses small incisions. That's for patients who may need a less aggressive surgery, but the results are less promising. The neck lift addresses only jowls, saggy neck skin, and also fat build-up below the chin. This incision starts in front of the ear and ends behind it.
- is a cosmetic procedure that improves the signs of aging in the jawline, chin, and neck. This procedure is perfect for those people who feel that they are not ready for a complete facelift because their upper face is still pleasing.
Facelift surgery steps
Facelift surgery involves several steps:
- Medications and anesthesia are administered according to the doctor's recommendation. Other procedures, such as facial implants, resurfacing techniques, and fillers, can further enhance the results.
- The length and placement of the incision will depend on the technique, as described above, and your facelift surgeon's expertise.
- The connective tissue and muscle layers are gently lifted and tightened to achieve a youthful contour.
- The next step is closing the incisions with sutures, medical clips, or skin glues, and a supportive dressing applied, depending on your surgeon's preference. The stitches are removed after a few days.
- Lastly, you will see visible improvements in your face after the swelling and bruising subside. Recovery may take some time, but it is all worthwhile. The final results are worth waiting for.
Facelift Surgery Recovery
Patients should allow adequate time for facelift recovery and expect swelling, numbness, and discolored skin for several weeks, depending on the type of procedure chosen. During the first days and weeks of recovery, only mild stretching and walking are allowed. You should avoid the housework, sexual activity, and vigorous exercise for at least the first two weeks after surgery.
You should not blow-dry your hair or wear earrings for some time. Saunas and alcohol should be avoided for a few months, as well. Most patients will return to work within ten days.
Extra rest is crucial during facelift recovery since it will promote healing. You should plan for someone to be with you during the first few days of recovery so you can allow your body to heal correctly. The operated areas will experience some bruising and swelling.
Following post-op instructions and elevating your head with pillows above your heart can help lessen these effects. The majority of the stitches are removed in 4 to 14 days.
Facelift recovery time can vary depending on the patient's age, type of skin, health, genetics, and other factors. Most patients will need 10-14 days of recovery or longer as long as postoperative instructions are followed.
Planning will help you avoid any complications during recovery. Recovery, as well as the results you will get, has to do with the facelift surgeon that performs the Facelift.

Risks Associated with the Procedure
A facelift can cause complications. Some can be controlled with proper medical care, medications, or surgical correction. While permanent or long-term complications are rare, they can cause significant changes in appearance. Risks include the following:
- Hematoma: Hematoma formation, which usually occurs within 24 hours after surgery, is immediately treated with surgery to avoid damage to the skin and other tissues.
- Cicatrization: the scars of the incision of a facelift are permanent, although they are usually hidden with the hairline and natural contours of the face and ears. Rarely, incisions can cause red and raised scars. Corticosteroid injections or other treatments could be used to improve the appearance of scars.
- Nerve injury:: while it is rare, nerve injury can temporarily or permanently affect the nerves that control tenderness or muscles.
- You may experience temporary or permanent hair loss near the incision sites. Permanent hair loss can be treated with surgery to transplant skin with hair follicles.
Facelift results can last for many years. It all depends on the type of Facelift that was performed. The results of a full facelift are much more durable than those of a Mini facelift.
The results of a full Facelift can last up to 10 years, while the results of a mini-facelift can last from 2 to 6 years.
It is important to understand that the aging process never stops, and that is why the results are not permanent.
However, here are some tips for your results to last as long as possible
- Choose an experienced surgeon
- Follow all postoperative instructions
- Stay hydrated
- Do not smoke or drink alcohol
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Based on 6,506 RealSelf reviews, the average facelift surgery cost in Miami is $10,000 ranging from $4,500 to $16,000. The cost will vary greatly based on the location and complexity of the procedure. It is important that when you get a price quote, you ask for any other fees that may not be included, such as operating room costs, anesthesia fees, and so on.
Contact us for a Facelift at Avana Plastic Surgery in Miami
If you need that your appearance reflects everything you have inside and be the person you've always dreamed of, at Avana Plastic Surgery, we can help you.
With a facelift, your face will reflect your true self, and in the hands of our plastic surgeons, you will be able to recover that youthful look that you long for. Call us at our office and schedule your free consultation today (305) 501-6000
Facelift Procedure FAQs
No, they are not noticeable. The incisions are made in the area of the scalp so they will be hidden with your hair. However, in cases where the person's healing is not adequate, there are also aesthetic options to eliminate them.
The most common age is from 40 to 45 years old, and most patients who come to get this procedure are between 40 and 60, but it depends on each case. A facelift is indicated, as we said, for people whose face begins to lose firmness, and this does not always happen at the same age.
Although it depends on each case, it is possible to repeat the surgery after a minimum of 10 years of the previous one. You should inform your doctor about this second Facelift so that the operation is addressed according to this.
Yes, there are more and more options every day to achieve the lifting effect without surgery, such as Botox and Dermal Fillers.
Usually, no. The Facelift is not a surgery that causes a lot of discomfort, and those that occur can be relieved with the medications indicated by your surgeon. It is common that you feel numb in some areas of the skin for a while. But it disappears typically within a couple of weeks, depending on each case. Besides this, during the first few days, the face is quite swollen, but this inflammation is entirely temporary.
At Avana Plastic Surgery, in all the facial rejuvenation procedures that we perform, our Surgeons take into consideration the facial contour and features of each patient in such a way that the patient obtains the most natural results.
Most of the stitches are removed after five days or a week, although sometimes the stitches located on the edge of the scalp are left a few days longer because they take more time to heal.
The bandages are removed after 1 to 5 days after the Facelift.
Your surgeon will give you the best indications of how to take care of your skin and incisions after the Facelift.
You can't apply makeup to the incisions for a few days after removing the sutures.
Return to work and social activity is usually possible after the third week. In some cases, it might be a little later.