For many patients, the decision to undergo gynecomastia surgery Miami is predominantly based on cosmetic reasons. While gynecomastia is not a disease, it can be a source of embarrassment for many patients, particularly adult men whose enlarged breasts may be seen as feminine or a sign of being unfit. Gynecomastia surgery Miami comprises the removal of excess fat and glandular tissue to help restore a flatter and firmer masculine form to the chest.
In this article, you will learn about the many advantages of gynecomastia surgery Miami. You will know what to expect during your initial consultation at Avana Plastic Surgery, how you can better prepare for surgery, the techniques used, what happens during the day of the procedure, side effects and risks, cost of gynecomastia surgery Miami, and how undergoing male breast reduction surgery at our clinic can help you reach your cosmetic goals.
Candidates for Gynecomastia Surgery
Good candidates for gynecomastia surgery include:
- Men whose condition can’t be treated with other medical methods
- Healthy patients who don’t have an illness that may interfere with healing and gynecomastia surgery recovery
- Patients with overall good physical health who are not drug users
- Patients with realistic expectations whose breasts growth has stabilized
- Men with good skin elasticity who have experienced discomfort or shame due to gynecomastia
- Patients who are not significantly overweight if dieting and exercising has not improved the issue
Gynecomastia surgery Miami
Before & After Pictures
EXPLORE PHOTO GALLERYGynecomastia surgery
If you have a question about gynecomastia surgery and would like to know more about what this procedure entails and whether this is something you want to try, you can contact Avana Plastic Surgery and schedule a consultation. You can also view our comprehensive before and after photo gallery on our website for gynecomastia and other cosmetic procedures. Nobody should suffer from this condition since there is an efficient way to treat it. Our staff is ready to guide you every step of the way and ensure you are provided the support you need throughout your surgical journey.
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Your Gynecomastia Consultation
Men that suffer from feminine-looking breasts can benefit from a gynecomastia consultation with one of our talented surgeons. During your consultation your surgeon will discuss your surgical goals, past surgeries, medical conditions you may have, allergies, medical treatments, and any medications, drugs or supplements you may be taking that may affect your surgery and recovery.
Your surgeon may also:
- Perform a health assessment that includes prior conditions and risk factors
- Examine the breasts to determine the size and shape, type of skin, and the placement of nipples and areolas
- Take pictures and discuss your surgical options
- Discuss treatment options and results you can expect as well as possible risks and complications
- Talk about the type of anesthesia that will be used during surgery
As with every surgical procedure, gynecomastia surgery requires a skilled approach, which can only come from a skilled surgeon with experience in breast reduction for men. Some factors to consider when searching for a surgeon include:
- Skill and experience – Make sure the surgeon has plenty of experience with male breast reduction surgery and their style aligns with your cosmetic goals
- Board certified – The surgeon must be board certified and this procedure must be performed in an accredited surgery center
- You must feel comfortable to share your experience and concerns with your surgeon.
Preparing for a gynecomastia surgery
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in preparation for gynecomastia surgery patients should undergo a preoperative medical evaluation, take medications as recommended by their surgeon, quit smoking, and avoid blood thinners and herbal remedies. As long as you follow your surgeon’s recommendation, the procedure should be safe and successful. It is also vital your male breast reduction surgery is performed in an accredited surgical center. Surgeons recommend you have someone with you on the first night of gynecomastia surgery recovery.
The most important things to keep in mind during the weeks leading up to surgery include:
- Quit smoking – Nicotine-based products can increase the likelihood of experiencing surgery-related complications. Quitting smoking can also be beneficial for your health, add years to your life, improve your finances and reduce second-hand smoking exposure.
- Avoid sun exposure – It is good to skip the sun, especially during the scorching South Florida summers. The sun can damage the skin making it more sensitive for the gynecomastia surgery.
- Avoid NSAIDs as they may make you bleed excessively after surgery.
- Take sufficient time off – You need plenty of time off for gynecomastia surgery recovery and some time off before surgery as well.
- Enlist your loved ones to help you after surgery – Whether that includes walking your dog after surgery or taking on additional responsibilities, it is good to have someone on board to help you adjust after surgery.
Male breast reduction surgery techniques
Gynecomastia surgery can be successfully corrected with male breast reduction surgery techniques:
- When excess fat caused the problem, liposuction of the breast is carried out, but the skin needs to be tightened as well. This procedure has been very effective, particularly in young patients. It is more difficult for older men who may have a fold under the breast as the excess skin will be assessed and tightened up through a small circular scar around the nipple or with an inverted “T” incision as required.
- If there is no significant excess skin, simple liposuction will do. The pectoral region is carefully reshaped and excess tissue removed with a semi-circular incision around the nipple so that tissue can be surgically removed to achieve flat results. Thanks to the invisible scar, this approach results in no scarring.
The day of the gynecomastia surgery procedure
During your gynecomastia surgery, you will be administered local anesthesia. Liposuction will be used to remove excess fat, and a small hollow tube is inserted through the incisions to loosen stubborn fat so it can be suctioned with ease. Your surgeon will pick the best technique to remove excess tissue. In most male breast reduction Miami procedures, the incision line is where the areola and chest skin meet. The incision is very small and difficult to be noticed. Sometimes the nipple is repositioned to a higher level, and liposuction used to contour the chest as well. Male breast reduction surgery takes approximately 1 and 2 hours.
Gynecomastia surgery recovery
During recovery, the treated area is applied dressings or bandages. A compression garment may be used to reduce swelling and keep the new contour. Excess fluid and blood are drained through a tube. Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions to follow on the treated area and drains, medicines that promote gynecomastia surgery recovery, speed up the healing process, and help patients avoid infection. Follow-up visits with your surgeon at Avana Plastic Surgery will be scheduled. The results are permanent in most cases. However, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons:
“…if gynecomastia resulted from the use of certain prescription medications, drugs (including steroids) or weight gain you must be fully free from these substances and remain at a stable weight in order to maintain your results.”
The recovery time required for gynecomastia surgery is 4 to 6 weeks long, depending on your health and condition. Surgeons recommend patients rest for the first two or three days to promote healing. Pain, tightness, and tenderness in the surgical site are common, but it should subside one to two weeks after surgery. Your surgeon may remove the stitches after a week.
Some tips to speed up gynecomastia surgery recovery and help you avoid complications include:
- Maintain a healthy diet – Patients are recommended to take fluids and slowly switch to solid diets. In other words, the meals should consist of plenty of water at first with fruits juice and water to prevent dehydration. Patients should avoid alcohol for at least 72 hours.
- Take plenty of rest – During the first twenty-four hours, all strenuous activity should be avoided. On the second day, you can take brisk walks. It’s not advised patients stay in bed the whole time. By the third day, you can engage in moderate activities but avoid workouts. Patients generally go back to work 2 or 3 days after surgery.
- Wear a compression garment – It helps reduce bruising and swelling, and therefore the results will be more satisfying. Compression garments are worn twenty-four hours for the first-week post-surgery and around 18 hours a day during the second week. Maintain your garment clean by washing it and drying it with cold water to avoid infection. By the third week, you can replace the compression garment with comfortable clothing.
- Avoid medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen that may interfere with clotting and increase the chances of complications. Patients generally start prescribed medicines two days after surgery.
Based on 2017 statistics by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, male breast reduction surgery costs an average of $3,641. This cost doesn’t include surgical expenses such as facility fees, medical tests, anesthesia fees, prescribed medications, and compression garments. Surgeon fees will be charged according to their expertise and geographic location. Financing plans are generally available upon request. Gynecomastia surgery is generally labeled as a cosmetic procedure; therefore, insurance companies may not cover it.
Gynecomastia surgery side effects and risks
Patients undergoing Gynecomastia surgery should not underestimate the side effects and risks associated with this procedure so they can make an informed decision about whether male breast reduction surgery is right for them. Some of the most common side effects experienced by patients include:
- Infection
- Bleeding
- Scars
- Loss of sensitivity in the nipple
- Skin discoloration
- Bruising, pain and discomfort
- Hematoma
- Breast asymmetry
Other side effects
- Bad reaction to anesthesia
- Too much bleeding
- Severe pain
- Too much fluid loss or retention
- Excessive swelling
- Impaired wound healing
- Nerve damage
Gynecomastia surgery FAQs
Several factors such as hormone imbalances, obesity, steroid use, and medication intake may contribute to the enlargement of male breasts. Due to endocrine hormone abnormalities, there may not be a definite cause for this deformity in some adolescents and adult males.
Patients should wait at least until they are 18 years old to undergo breast reduction for men. Some patients may consider it earlier as advised by the surgeon. For older patients, additional steps may be taken such as making sure a medical exam, and additional tests are performed to help minimize the risks.
The results will be immediately visible. There will be swelling post-surgery, which should resolve. The incision lines will also fade. Most patients are satisfied with their new image and even more so as their gynecomastia surgery recovery progresses. The final results are seen 3-6 months after surgery. While gynecomastia surgery scars are permanent, they are generally concealed within the natural contours. In some rare cases, it might not be possible to achieve the best results with one male breast reduction Miami procedure, and another surgery may be necessary.
Each cigarette can last up to 12 hours in the blood vessels. Smoking can contribute to poor healing and increase complications associated with breast reduction for males. Second-hand smoke can also affect the results a week prior and following gynecomastia surgery Miami.
Every patient has different needs; therefore, the type of anesthesia chosen can vary from patient to patient. A local anesthetic can be administered under the skin so that the patient doesn’t feel any discomforts, which can last 30 minutes to an hour. IV Sedation is another option and a safe form of anesthesia that puts the patient to sleep, but it requires a board-certified anesthesiologist with experience in this type of sedation. General anesthesia is generally not recommended as it is more aggressive on the patient.
Patients may feel moderate discomfort, but it can be alleviated with a pain medication prescribed by your surgeon.
It all depends on the type of work and kind of correction the patient is having. Most patients take 3 to 10 days off work. However, the healing process varies from patient to patient. These are things you should discuss with your surgeon.
Patients generally take a shower the day after gynecomastia surgery. They may also take a shower prior to surgery. Baths and hot tubs should be avoided 4 weeks after surgery as it will help minimize swelling.
Patients are advised to relax for the first ten days after gynecomastia surgery. Bruising along the chest may persist or at a lower position. Patients are not encouraged to exercise or increase their heart rate during the first three weeks of gynecomastia surgery recovery. Strenuous lifting and workouts are not allowed during the first six weeks after male breast reduction surgery.
Your surgeon will give you a set of guidelines with the medications you should avoid and supplements to take before and after surgery. Apply ice to the operated area, take plenty of rest, and keep a diet low in sodium. Stay positive and enjoy the incredible results.