Transumbilical breast augmentation, also known as the bellybutton breast mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that aims to enhance the size and appearance of the breasts to achieve symmetry through the patient’s abdominal area
Within this article, we will touch upon the technique of this unique surgery, benefits, ideal candidates, highly reviewed plastic surgeons, pricing and so much more about the Transumbilical breast augmentation procedure.
Understanding transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) procedure
TUBA, or Transumbilical breast augmentation, involves introducing a breast implant from the belly button. It uses the abdominal area to get the implants up to the breast area. Once it gets to the breast area, it pours the gel breast implant. This procedure must not be used on someone who already had a breast implant before. Doctors recommend operating on “virgin” skin. Via the navel area, the doctors can avoid scarring the tissue.
The Transumbilical Breast Augmentation procedure does not produce any new scars other than the one already there, the bellybutton. The operation takes about 30 to 40 minutes. It takes less time to recover from a TransUmbilical Breast Augmentation surgery, than a regular breast implant. Since the operation time is shorter, anesthesia-related complications do not appear so often. It also has a low risk of infections and other complications.
When choosing to undergo TUBA surgery, make certain that the doctor has a lot of experience with the Transumbilical Breast Augmentation technique. The surgery has a lot of margin of error. At Avana Plastic Surgery, we perform the most TUBA surgeries in Florida. Because of our vast experience, we know how to avoid common mistakes. Our clinic invite you to read our online breast augmentation reviews and see what our patients are saying.
Breast implants through belly button: Advantages and disadvantages
Over the last decade, the number of Transumbilical breast augmentation performed has been increasing at an astonishing rate, and for good reason. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the breast enhancement or “boob job” procedure has ranked number as one of most frequently performed cosmetic procedures since 2006.
Transumbilical breast augmentation is done for several reasons which can vary depending on the woman and her goals. One of the main benefits of this procedure is to enlarge women’s naturally small breasts and restore symmetry while leaving virtually no scar!
Others seek this procedure in order to restore the shape and size of their breasts after pregnancy, breastfeeding or weight loss. Additionally, it can serve as a reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy. Regardless of your reason for undergoing a Transumbilical Breast Augmentation procedure, the certified plastic surgeons at Avana Plastic Surgery can give you results that will undoubtedly boost your self-esteem and confidence.
With the Transumbilical breast augmentation surgery come a number of benefits including:
- No scars near the breast
- More natural looking breast a lot quicker.
- Less than 1% chance of losing sensitivity in the nipples.
- Hardly any bleeding complications.
- No size limit to implants. They can be easily exchanged, enlarged or removed. There are three implant options.
- Doesn’t have post-operative side effects such as nausea or vomiting.
- Less pain after the operation.
- Does not require any special bra or tapping.
- The patient may shower and resume most normal activities a day after the surgery.
- Capsule contractures, at most, ranges from 1% to 2%.
How does transumbilical breast augmentation surgery works?
On the day of the operation, the doctor will give the patient a mild sedative or anesthetic. Once the patient is relaxed, attendees will take the patient to the operating room. At the start of the operation, the doctor makes a small, 2 centimeter, incision in the navel.
Using endoscopic assistance, the doctor creates two tunnels for each implant. When the implant reaches the chest, the doctor injects the silicone-gel implants bellow the breast. If the implants have saline solution instead of silicon, the doctor may fill them up from the inside. This part of the procedure does not use endoscopic assistance.
By placing the implants under the muscle, the doctor then examines the pectoral muscles to accommodate the breast. In some cases in a Transumbilical breast augmentation, the doctors places the implant on the muscles. In both cases, the doctor then manually places the implants in their respective locations. Since the surgery does not take a long time, about a one hour, local anesthesia with sedation is generally used. The patient can go home a few hours after surgery. Ask a friend to drive you home, as anesthesia can leave you a bit groggy.
TUBA Breast Implant Surgery
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Transumbilical breast augmentation Anesthesia
A breast enhancement surgery is considered a major cosmetic procedure due to the incisions and extraction of breast tissue. Therefore, this surgery must be performed under general anesthesia to ensure comfort and painless procedure.
While receiving general anesthesia, the patient is intubated by way of a certified anesthesiologist who inserts a breathing tube through your throat. Throughout the procedure, the anesthesiologist will administer intravenous medication to ensure you stay sedated throughout the procedure.
At first you will feel at ease and calmed at the intravenous medication begins. After you are relaxed, the general anesthesia will be administered. This is the moment in which you will not remember feeling or consciousness throughout the procedure. Your blood pressure and pulse will remained at a low level and monitored during the entire process.
Rest assured that Avana Plastic Surgery provides the highest trained anesthesiologists in the South Florida Area. Our anesthesiologist team constantly overlooks the patient’s vital functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and rate of breathing at the time of the procedure.
Transumbilical breast augmentation Implant Incision
There are various types of breast incisions when performing an enlargement: periareolar, inframammary, and transaxillary breast augmentation. Most plastic surgeons prefer one method over the other, while some may recommend a certain incision that suits the individual best.
Although incisions are dependent on certain patient factors and ideal characteristics, the certified breast plastic surgeons at Avana Plastic Surgery suggest the transaxillary or transumbilical for the most natural breast results due to the “scarless breast” appearance. This is because the scar produced after the inframmamry and periareolar approach is more noticeable to the human eye.
Things to Know about transumbilical breast augmentation Miami (bellybutton) incision
- Surface breast tissue is not touched
- Non-visible scarring
- Patient must be a candidate for this procedure
When placing the implants bellow the muscle, the doctor dissects the pectoral muscles to accommodate the breast. In other cases, he places it over the muscles. In both cases, the doctor then manually places the implants in their respective locations.
Since the surgery does not take a long time, it usually uses local anesthesia. If the implants rupture, the doctor can do TUBA surgery to replace the bad implants with new ones. The replacement surgery usually hurts less. It uses the old tracts created the first time, in order to replace the transplant. In rare cases, the tracks leading up to the breast remain visible.
Your Initial Consultation at Avana Plastic Surgery
If you are considering TUBA breast augmentation in Miami, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons specializing in this procedure. During your initial consultation, the surgeon will listen to what you want to accomplish after breast augmentation surgery, perform a thorough examination, and recommend a course of treatment.
Your questions about insurance and financing will be answered as well. You can take a look at before and after photos of procedures performed by the surgeon so you can decide whether the results are in line with your cosmetic goals. If you are satisfied with the surgeon’s experience and skill, and a Transumbilical breast augmentation is right for you, we will proceed with preoperative preparations as directed by your surgeon.
Preparation before TUBA breast augmentation procedure
At Avana Plastic Surgery, our plastic surgeons help you create smoother and more appealing contours in line with your cosmetic goals.
Before any operation, you must first prepare emotionally. You need to have a realistic expectation of the end results. You need a clean bill of health before undergoing the Trans-Umbilical Breast Augmentation operation. Before hand, you must tell your doctor the size of the cup you wish to have. To prevent infections, you need to wash your skin and hair with anti-bacterial liquid soap.
You should stop taking aspirin or any other anti-inflammatory, for at least two weeks, before going to surgery. Have your doctor give you a list of all medicines you should avoid before surgery. Ideally, anyone regardless of age can get a TUBA surgery. However, women with thin torsos cannot get super large implants. The torso cavity simply would not allow it.
The patient should stop smoking for at least two weeks, before undergoing surgery. Patients who have high blood pressure, diabetes or heart problems should avoid surgery. When those conditions stabilize, then you are ready to undergo a Trans-Umbilical Breast Augmentation.
On the day of the operation, the doctor will give you a mild sedative. When you relax, his attendants will take you to the operating room. There, the Anesthesiologist administers local anesthesia. After the surgery, you can go home after a few hours. Have a friend drive you home, since the anesthesia leaves you a bit groggy.
Best plastic surgeon for TUBA procedure at Avana Plastic Surgery
We believe in research and education when patients are deciding which plastic surgeon to perform any procedure on their body. Remember that the results for cosmetic procedures are supposed to be durable; therefore, you should be very comfortable with your doctor. We suggest looking into the doctor’s educational history, training, and previous work such as before and afters.
Avana Plastic Surgery provide the best Transumbilical breast augmentation doctors which take the time to listen to your desires based on your initial consultation. They will properly evaluate you in determining if you an ideal candidate for this procedure. After the evaluation, they will discuss what breast incision and technique best suits your body composition. And finally, together with a patient, they will decide on the goal from the procedure.
Avana Plastic Surgery's dedicated surgeons will also provide you with individualized instructions for post- operative care. They will be willing to display some of their work such as before and after pictures so that patients can get a better sense of the surgeons’ technique. The best Transumbilical breast augmentation doctor will also be at the patient’s disposal by willing to address any questions or concerns a patient may have.
Recovery from Transumbilical breast augmentation Miami
For the Transumbilical Breast Augmentation, the recovery period ranges from 1 to 2 weeks. After the first two days, the patient may resume his regular activities. Patients should avoid putting pressure on the beasts. Due to the small incision, the patient may be able to take a shower. The patient still needs to be careful with the surgery tape. During those two weeks, the patient should attend scheduled checkups.
It has been reported that some patients experience a lot of pain, after six days. Patients must take painkillers before the surgery. At home, they may resume their daily routines. They may go back to work after the first week. Have a friend check up on you from time to time.
While you recover, you must eat a healthy diet, and avoid smoking. Also, massage your breast and your belly during the recovery period. This will help erase the twin tracks left on your belly.
Minor complications of a boob job through belly button
If the capsule contracts patients may require open surgery in order to revise the problem. This cannot be corrected with TUBA surgery. In rare cases, the paths leading up to the breast do not fade. However, such cases only occurred during the development stages of the procedure. These days all tracks tend to disappear over time.
In a few rare cases, the patient suffers from mild infections or hematomas. If the muscle gets scrapped, the hematomas may feel particularly painful. If you experience any sharp pains, you should contact your doctor. The main issue with TUBA surgery has to do with the margin of error.
Inexperience doctors may end up giving their patients really messed up, asymmetrical implants. It takes the experienced hand to obtain optimal results for this surgery. If any asymmetry occurs, the doctor can fix it on the spot.
The TUBA surgery costs depend on the size, and type of breast. Saline solution breast implants cost $4,700. For the silicone implants, they cost roughly $5,700. Overall, the prices in the US range from $4,000-$7,000. Insurance does not cover TUBA surgery since patients perform it for cosmetic reasons.
At Avana Plastic Surgery, we understand that paying for an Transumbilical breast augmentation procedure may not be a possible option for many of our patients. This is why we offer a variety financing plans through systems in which the patient would need to be pre-approved.
The Transumbilical Breast Augmentation Miami targets the goals that most people desire in South Florida, leaving virtually no scar! For more information on the highly requested bellybutton Breast Enhancement procedure, call us today at (305) 501-6000 to schedule a consultation with a certified plastic surgeon.
Trans-Umbilical Breast Augmentation Miami FAQs
The TUBA approach does have its attractiveness to it in that it does not provide any virtual scars to the patient. However, most plastic surgeons prefer other methods as the Transumbilical procedure provides more effort for the surgeon and a longer recovery rate for the patient. There has almost been a higher reporting of implant malpositioning with this procedure.
Normally, tracks get smoothed out after a few weeks. Massaging the area helps. In some rare cases, the tracks won’t smooth out.
There is no need to worry. Dr. Anthony Hasan is one of the most experienced surgeons performing this procedure, and a pioneer at implementing such in Miami with over 20,000 TUBA breast implants successfully performed. He has never had any asymmetrical problems. Plus, most patients naturally have asymmetrical breasts. During the operation, the doctor can easily correct the asymmetry by controlling the size of the implants. As such, you can go from asymmetrical to symmetrical pretty easily.
The implant simply gets rolled up and placed into your breast. No outside objects can puncture the implant. As such, the manufactured warranty still applies to TUBA implants.
If you just got the navel pierced, and it gets infected, you might have to remove the piercing and let it heal before surgery. With an old piercing, the doctor might simply remove the piercing and sterilize the area during the operation. You must also have washed it with anti-bacteria, before the operation. You can put on your piercing again, after the operation.
Some doctors may charge you more for it. Generally speaking, Trans-Umbilical Breast Augmentation costs a lot less than regular breast implant techniques; the reason being that it takes less time and it uses only local anesthesia.
Yes, you can have a TUBA surgery. Via the navel, we can work our way up your capsules and have them refilled.
Non Invasive Aesthetics procedures like Macrolane, can have results similar to breast implants but on a much lower scale, for long-lasting results use TUBA Surgery.
It varies from patient to patient. Most of the discomfort originates from the pectorals muscles, which get dissected from the wall to accommodate the breast implants. The abdominal muscle hardly gets affected. Overall, the patients may experience a mild discomfort. Like the kind you get when you do too much exercise. This discomfort usually goes away after a week.
Some doctors say it cannot be done. More experience doctors Dr. Hasan can place the implants partially beneath the pectoral muscle. It all depends on the doctor’s experience.
The FDA has never approved any breast enlargement surgeries yet. They approve the surgical instruments and the materials used for the surgery, but not the process itself. So far, those that underwent a TUBA surgery have not suffered any serious side effects.