Earlobe Repair Miami

Earlobe Repair Miami


Earlobe repair is a surgical procedure that seeks to undo the trauma of tears, malformation of the earlobe due to aging or prolonged use of heavy earrings or gauges, and the development of anomalies like keloid scars. Earlobe repair can also be used as a second surgery or revision to fix "pixie ears." These are ears whose lobes look "pulled" and can occur after a facelift.


Stretched Earlobes: Earlobes can stretch after prolonged use of heavy earrings or large gauges, resulting in a "longer," droopier earlobe as well as a very noticeable piercing or tear.

Torn Earlobes: Earrings and other ear accessories can tear your earlobes when they get snagged on clothes or when children pull on them. Sometimes, the tear is severe and can result in a split earlobe.

Congenitally Large Earlobes: Earlobe reduction adjusts the size of congenitally large earlobes.

Keloid scars: Keloid scars develop in some cases after minor damage, such as that of a piercing on the earlobe. Keloids are fibrous mass buildups on areas where the skin has suffered some injury.

"Pixie Ear" Correction: A facelift can reshape the contours of your face and may leave your ears with "stretched-out" earlobes. Earlobe repair surgery corrects this and produces more rounded relaxed earlobes.


Earlobe repair has many benefits. The first and most important is symmetrical and aesthetically appealing earlobes. Earlobe repair surgery restores earlobes with tears and wide-open holes to their original fullness and roundness, thus allowing you to re-pierce your ears. The surgery is minimally invasive and requires little to no recovery time. You are likely to return to regular activity the same day while following your surgeon's advice. Another important benefit is that earlobe repair can boost your self-esteem, especially if you feel self-conscious about your ears, which can be very important in framing the face. Though particular cases differ, our patients have been left very satisfied with the results of their procedures.


As with any surgical procedure, the best candidates for earlobe repair are in good health; they will show no adverse effects to the anesthetics applied. Most importantly, they desire to restore or alter the shape of their earlobes to achieve a more pleasing and aesthetic look. Don't hesitate to ask for a consultation with our board-certified surgeons at Miami Aesthetic Center to see if you are ready for an earlobe repair.


Stretched Earlobes

Earlobes that have been stretched by heavy earrings and gauges require the cutting of tissue around the stretched orifice and the suturing of the raw edges. The type of suture will depend on the patient's ear shape. The procedure takes under one hour under local anesthesia. Depending on your surgeon's recommendations, the stitches can be removed after about a week from surgery, unless they are dissolvable, in which case they should go away on their own.

Torn Earlobes

The repair of a torn earlobe is less involved than that of a fully stretched earlobe. It requires removing a small and precise amount of skin around the tear. The tear is then sutured up at the back of the earlobe.

Earlobe Reduction

Skin and subcutaneous tissue are removed so that the resulting size fits the patient's expectations. The wound is then sutured.

Keloid Scars

This procedure involves surgical removal of the keloid, a mass of fibrous tissue that forms at the site of a scar or wound. They can often be found near the earlobes at a piercing site.

"Pixie Ear" Correction

This procedure involves making a small cut that lets the earlobe hang. "Pixie Ears" can occur due to a facelift, which can leave the ears looking attached tightly to the head.


Recovery for earlobe repair is not extensive. There is little pain involved. Most of the procedures can take less than one hour, and all involve local anesthetic only. Following the surgery, your Miami Aesthetic Center surgeon will provide you with antibiotic ointments to lower the area's chance of becoming infected. They will also guide you through the recovery process.

You should avoid sleeping on the side whose ear has been repaired and sleep on your back if you had both earlobes repaired. There is no need for bandages, but your surgeon may opt to provide you with a Band-Aid to prevent the earlobe from getting infected when you sleep at night. The sutures used to close the incisions will be removed 7 to 10 days from the time of surgery, or the surgeon might choose to use dissolvable sutures which will go away on their own.

You should wash your hair carefully and be very mindful of being on the phone. As with any surgical procedure, you will want not to disturb the area. Your earlobes will fully heal in 1–2 weeks, and you will be allowed to re-pierce your ears at around three months after the procedure. Your surgery scars will fade 6–12 months after the procedure.

at Avana Plastic Surgery

The cost of your Miami earlobe repair procedure will depend, as with any surgery, on multiple factors, such as the complexity of the procedure and the clinic's geographical location. Costs range from $500 to $2000. Call us for a free consultation with a Miami Aesthetic Center surgeon for a consultation at which you can receive a personalized quote.

Earlobe repair FAQS

Insurance can cover earlobe repair if the surgery seeks to correct congenital issues like deformities. Typically, it does not cover cosmetic procedures, and earlobe repairs are often classified as such. It is a best practice to be aware of what conditions exist in your insurance policy. Whatever the case, Avana Plastic Surgery offers manageable financing plans that put this procedure within your reach.

It's a common misconception that ear cartilage never stops growing. The truth is that aging tends to deteriorate our ears' collagen and other fibers. Coupled with gravity, this deterioration of the fibers in our ears elongates them over time.

Earlobe repair is a minimally invasive procedure that requires only local anesthesia. You will be awake during the surgery and will not feel anything. You may experience some discomfort following the procedure, but pain medication can manage this.

The procedure is very simple. Most earlobe repairs will take about an hour. Depending on the case, the duration can be less or more, especially if you repair more than one earlobe.

Yes. Since your surgeon will not put you under general aesthetics, you will be allowed to leave on your own. You will be allowed to return to regular activity, with some exceptions such as exercise and strenuous activity.

Most earlobe repair procedures involve the cutting out of tissues and the suturing of the wound. As a result, you will have a scar for a while in the first months after surgery, but these scars will become unnoticeable after about six months.

Stitches will be removed about a week after surgery. If the stitches are dissolvable, they should dissolve in about two weeks, and your surgeon can remove them in the clinic if they have not.