Breast reduction results: Functionality or Aesthetic?

what results expect from breast reduction

A Breast Reduction is a cosmetic surgical procedure to decrease the breasts' size, which allows us to change the shape, position, and size, improving it. Oddly enough, the insertion of a prosthesis is sometimes indicated in this surgery since the aesthetic results of a breast reduction with a prosthesis are entirely different if it is not done with breast implants. And, remove to put? Yes, sometimes yes. It is not the same to operate on an older woman whose chest weight causes lower back pain and discomfort than on another who simply perceives it as excessive in her figure.

Breast Reduction surgery has certain implications that go far beyond the solution to an aesthetic problem. The first is because an exaggerated volume and a wrong positioning of the breasts can cause discomfort and functional problems in a woman's daily life. And of course, because the perception highly conditions self-esteem and security we have about our body, even more so with the areas associated with what defines our gender.

Besides, the breasts represent the fertility, motherhood, and sensuality of women, being one of the most beautiful and important parts of the female silhouette in almost all cultures.

Expectations of breast reduction: Functionality or Aesthetic?

There are several reasons why our patients come to Avana Plastic Surgery for a consultation to have a Breast Reduction. Either because they want to improve their appearance, since their breasts are very large and feel uncomfortable wearing certain clothes, or because having breasts that are too large causes muscle aches and general pain.

The truth is that either for functionality or aesthetic reasons, with Breasts Reduction surgery, patients seek:

Improve the shape of the breasts. One of the expectations of this surgical procedure is to improve the appearance in terms of its shape. Over time, the breasts tend to stretch and sag and lose their shape. Patients then want to achieve the rounded shape of their breasts to feel more comfortable and attractive.

Symmetry. Excessively large or sagging breasts generally lose symmetry, one looking larger than the other. It can seriously affect the confidence and self-esteem of the patient. For that reason, Breast Reduction surgery is very effective because it restores the symmetry of the breasts.

Reposition the nipple. Generally, when the breasts sag, the nipple tends to point towards the ground. With this procedure, the areola and nipple can be relocated so that the breasts look more youthful.

Proportionality. Another expectation is to achieve the correct proportion between the size of the breasts and the rest of the body so that they do not look excessively large or too small.

Pain relief. This surgical procedure aims to alleviate back and neck discomfort resulting from the excessive weight of large breasts.

What To Expect From A Reduction Surgery On Your Breasts

Breast reduction surgery helps to make breasts smaller and lighter to match your body better and to relieve discomfort. How much smaller your breasts become can depend on what you want, how your body is shaped, and how big your breasts are to start with.

What You Want: Everyone has their own reasons for wanting smaller breasts, like feeling more comfortable or liking how they look better. You should talk to your doctor about what you hope to achieve to make sure it's possible.

How Much Smaller: The amount of breast tissue your surgeon can remove varies. Some people might want just a little bit taken away to feel better, while others might want a lot more removed for a more considerable change.

Cup Size Changes: There isn't a fixed amount of size change, like going from a G cup to a C cup, because bra sizes aren't the same everywhere. But many people end up going down several cup sizes.

What's Possible: Your surgeon will look at your body and your breasts to figure out what can be done. They have to make sure there's enough blood flow and that the nerves are okay, which means there's a limit to how much they can take out.

Healing Time: After surgery, your breasts will be swollen, so you won't see the final size right away. It can take a few months to see the real outcome.

Your first consultation at Avana Plastic Surgery

In conclusion, Breast Reduction surgery seeks several objectives such as relocating the areola and the nipple in a higher position, improving the breast's shape by reducing the mammary gland’s size, and reducing discomfort, tension, and pain due to the weight of the breasts.

At Avana Plastic Surgery, our team of surgeons in Miami is waiting to assist you, listen to you and guide you to define your aesthetic goals that are consistent with your expectations. So, if you want to show off perkier, firm breasts and with better asymmetry that allows you a better quality of life, do not hesitate to call us.

We offer you a free consultation where we will evaluate your case in a personalized way. We will help you evaluate the options available to you, which allow you to look as beautiful as you want.

Call us today and get ready to look and feel your best.