On Oct 10, 2019
Abdominal etching is the procedure designed to carve abdominal muscles through the liposuction. Dr. Moradian explains in the video what is abdominal etching and what are the best candidates for this procedure.
Video Transcription
Brand Ambassador: Hi, everybody. I'm here with Doctor Moradian. A lot of you have been asking us about Ab Etching, who's a good candidate for it, and if it's a good thing for you. So I'm here with Doctor Moradian, who's actually doing the ab etching, which is very famous in Colombia. Lots of patients are going to Colombia for it, and you don't have to. - You can do it safely and effectively here at Avana Plastic Surgery. So, doctor, can you please explain to us a little bit about what is Ab Etching? Who's a good candidate for it? And how do you implement it into your Lipo 360? Doctor: Ab Etching is an ideal procedure for patients with a BMI of 24-25 and under. What it allows me to do is basically recreate the abdominal muscles in a feminine way for the female patients. And I use a combination of different cannulas or liposuction to kinda recreate that contour, to give it a nice smooth, sexy transition from the pubic bone to the abdominal muscles. So, it really achieves great results, and patients are usually very, very happy afterward. Brand Ambassador: So you're saying that people don't have to spend hours at the gym to get that athletic tone in their abdomen? Doctor: You don't need hours at the gym, but it always helps to go to the gym. So I always recommend going to the gym. Okay. Brand Ambassador: What about those male patients that want, you know, the six-pack? Doctor: Six pack is definitely possible. We do it for male patients. We don't discriminate. So, absolutely. We can take care of the male counterparts as well. Brand Ambassador: If you're looking for a more athletic appearance without spending hours at the gym, give us a call here. Please give us a call at 305-501-6000 for your virtual consultation. Thank you.