Breast Lift with Implants Experience - Kalia testimonial

In this video, Kalia from Minnesota shares her experience right after a breast lift with implants performed by Dr. McDaniel. Only one day post-op, and Kalia is doing great-she states she just feels a little pressure but can already see the results. She feels the newfound confidence to have shed her insecurities and speaks about the excellent job done by Dr. McDaniel with his fun personality. Her advice for anyone considering the procedure: don't think twice. Many years after consideration, Kalia is feeling great and advises others to go for it, trusting Dr. McDaniel.

Breast lift surgery, when complemented with implants, can provide better results for many patients who lack breast tissue or have a deflated appearance. In this video, you can see Kalia’s breast transformation before and after the breast lift combined with implants.

Patient Testimonial: My name is Kalia. I'm from Minnesota. I got a breast lift with implants, and my doctor was Doctor McDaniel. And I'm on my 1st day post op, and I feel great. Just a little pressure, but I feel great. I look great. I'm more confident. No more insecurities. He's a really great doctor, and he's really fun too.
- And one tip for the indecisive, do it. Don't contemplate about it. I waited a long time, like, should I do it? I feel great. I feel amazing. Don't think about it twice. Just do it in big with McDaniel.