What is a Brazilian Butt Lift? - Dr. Scott Moradian talks about BBL

Watch Dr. Moradian talks about Brazilian Butt Lift specifically about what a Brazilian Butt Lift is and the best candidates for this procedure. Also, find out which BMI Dr. Moradian consider optimal for this kind of cosmetic procedure.

Doctor: A Brazilian butt lift is essentially 360 liposuction where we harvest the fat and inject this into the gluteal region to help augment and lift the butt to a more youthful appearance, which oftentimes patients are very excited about.
- A good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift would be a patient with a BMI of 33 or less, has good skin elasticity and quality, so the liposuction results are amplified by this. As well as no major medical problems that would limit them from having general anesthesia to have the liposuction and fat harvesting done, has the fat there available to be harvested compared to a gluteal implant patient, who they may not have the fat that's able to be harvested from liposuction.