How Soon Can I Have My Drains Removed After a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover typically combines several procedures, with the most common combination being an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) paired with breast surgery, which could include a breast lift, with or without augmentation, or a breast reduction.

In this FAQ video, Dr. McDaniel explains the guidelines for drain removal following mommy makeover procedures.

Dr. McDaniel: For a tummy tuck, you will have two drains placed along the incision line. One drain is typically removed after about a week, while the second is removed depending on the amount of fluid being drained. The goal is to have drainage below 25 ccs per day for a couple of days before removal. This process can take anywhere from 2 to 3, and sometimes up to 4 weeks, depending on how much fluid your body produces.
- This fluid isn't blood but serous fluid, which is produced by your body. If you're having a breast lift with augmentation, drains are not used. However, for breast reduction, drains are placed and usually remain for 3 to 5 days, depending on the drainage volume.