Male Tummy Tuck Case Result

Male tummy tucks are common here at Avana Plastic Surgery in Miami. Many men seek a flatter abdomen through cosmetic surgery for reasons including weight loss or aging. This case result shows a male patient who underwent the procedure and his aesthetic transformation.

Patient: Hi, guys. My name is Darren. I'm having an abdominoplasty today, which is a tummy lick lift. My surgeon is Doctor Chris. I'm very excited because I haven't had a flat stomach since I was 13.
Dr Hamamdjian: Hey, everyone. I am doctor Hamamdjian here at Avana Plastic Surgery. We just finished another great case of a gentleman who lost a significant amount of weight. We were able to help sculpt him with some liposuction as well as give him a tummy tuck to get rid of that extra skin. I think he'll be really happy. Come check us out.