Mommy Makeover surgery marking process by Dr Moradian

Mommy Makeover surgery involves different procedures and changes in the body. Breasts and abdomen are involved in the transformation. In the video, you can watch Dr. Moradian marking a patient in those areas before a Mommy Makeover procedure.

Doctor: Right now, we're measuring the nipple from the sternum, and ideally, that's between 17 to 21 centimeters. In this particular case, we're at 24 and 24.5. No breasts are the same. They're like sisters, not twins. So our job is trying to make it more symmetrical, but we're limited by the shape of the patient, what God blessed you with, your genetics, skin quality, and characteristics like that.
- Here, we're gonna decide how much to lift this nipple, depending on that measurement. Also, where her inframammary fold is, which is what I'm gonna give you one for right now. As well as the implant size we're putting in. She desires a full C cup, so it's usually about 350cc in that ballpark.
- When patients say a bra, individual bra companies vary in size, so it's kinda different. It's better if you come in with a picture and take a look. They can kinda tell you exactly how big or small the implant is on that particular 'Wish Pick.' So we have the lines, the median lines, marked out, the inframammary fold different distances. So we're doing a mommy makeover, and that entails a breast lift with or without implants.
- In this case, we're using an implant because she wants more fullness. And then a tummy tuck, we're gonna remove basically all this. She had two c-sections; we can see the scar, so we'll go through that. We also get a nice benefit in lifting up the pubic region. It looks really good afterward.
- She's an excellent candidate for a mommy makeover. She's gonna have excellent results, so tune in for the results.