What do you do to ensure patient safety during a BBL procedure?

The professionals at Avana Plastic Surgery know exactly what to do to keep a patient safe during a BBL surgery. It's not just about monitoring vital signs and ensuring all parameters are stable. As Dr. Mameniskis points out in this video, the key to ensuring safety in a BBL procedure is to correctly place the fat into the gluteal area.

Moderator: Safety definitely starts prior to procedure. What about during the procedure? What do you do to ensure the patient is safe while getting the BBL?
Doctor: Well, the key thing with the BBL is placing the fat in the correct plane of the body. We have found that the safest place to put the fat is more superficially into the fatty tissue that's right under the skin.
- And the fat is placed in that area depending whether it's the center, or the side, or about the lower part of the buttock. It's very safe and causes very, very few problems. Previously, in the old days, it was placed into the muscle that raises very, very serious problems. We do not do that anymore.